AAD/USSSA Tournament Entry Instructions and General Policies –
- Go to www.usssa.com and on the bar below the USSSA logo select the “Log in / Log out” link
- On the USSSA Login page –
- Enter your Manager / User Id in the User Id box
- Enter you Password in the Password box
i. If you don’t have your User Id and Password email me – abqusssa@aol.com and I’ll send it to you.
- Select enter
- On the ISTS Menu – Team Manager page
- Select the team you are wanting to enter into the event and
- Select the “Find a Tournament/League” button then hit “Submit”
- On the “Find an Event” page –
- Highlight the level of tournament your team wants to participate in the “Sport & Class” section
- Highlight the state you want to compete in from the “State” section.
- Highlight the type of tournament you are looking for or leave “All” selected in the “Stature” section.
- Select the range of dates that the event is being held or leave blank to search the entire year applicable then hit the “Submit” button.
- On the USSSA Events Selection Page you will see all the events that meet your search criteria along with a two links on the left-hand side that allow you to “Enter Pay Now” or “Enter Pay Director”.
- Select the option that you want to use – note – using the “Enter Pay Now” option will add 5% to the cost of the entry fee.
- If you select the “Enter Pay Director” option you will be allowed to mail the entry fee (cashier’s check / money order) but it must be received by the entry deadline. The entry deadline varies but is usually 14 days prior to any event. See the tournament page on the national web site for event specific deadlines. If you decide to withdraw from the tournament, you must do so before the entry deadline has passed.
- On the Event Entry page -
- You will be required re-enter your Login Password and
- Select your payment preference. If your preference is not listed as an option, proceed with the closest option and send the TD an email confirming your requested payment option.
- Hit the “Submit” button
- Roster submission
- Go back to the ISTS Menu – Team Manager page
- Select the “Roster Add and Updates” button and hit submit
- On the USSSA Roster Manager Affidavit page – read and click the “I Agree” link
- Review the information for each of your players for accuracy and add/delete/deactivate any players that you need to.
- Make sure your on-line roster is current and up to date no later than 3pm the day before the tournament
- That’s it – you’re in!
Entry/Payment/Withdrawal Policy - The entry deadline is the deadline to withdraw. The entry deadline is posted on the national web site. 100% of the entry will be refunded if the in writing (email) is received by the withdraw deadline. After the withdraw deadline has passed there will be no refunds unless a replacement team can be found and placed in the withdrawing teams spot in the bracket. When a division is full and a waiting list started, the payment deadline may be moved earlier and any unpaid team can be replaced with a paid waiting list team. Team managers are responsible for ensuring their teams classification is correct PRIOR to the entry deadline. If a division is split into AA and Open and a AA team wants to participate in the Open division that must be communicated, via email, prior to entry deadline. If a team wants to play up an age division that must be communicated, via email, prior to the entry deadline. Teams will be bracketed based on their state director’s classification at the entry deadline.
If a team wants to enter after the deadline and there is field space and umpire resources to accommodate them, there will be a $100.00 rebracketing fee assessed that team. Late entries may not be listed on the back of the event shirts.
Cancellations/Refund Policy - There is a chance any event could be completely rained out or cancelled by another act of God or government mandate. Please be aware that A MINIMUM 40% of the entry fee will be kept to cover the direct expenses of event branded awards, event branded trophies, insurance fees, umpire scheduling, printing, branded souvenirs, out of town officials lodging as well as administrative costs if tournament is canceled after the registration/withdrawal deadline. After the minimum 40% is deducted the remaining refunds will be based on a prorated number of games guaranteed. A game that has started but suspended counts as a game played if it cannot be continued.
All managers should read and understand the national USSSA playing rules, equipment restrictions and bylaws for ALL tournament events. They can be found at - www.usssa.com. UNOFFICIAL tournament rules and specifics will be emailed out after the brackets are posted.
Managers are required to sign and submit the Event Participation Agreement the first time they participate in an AAD/USSSA event (prior participating). This is a one-time requirement as long as the team name and manager stay the same.
Team/Manager Check In - Each manager and team are required to check in, at the complex of their first game, at least one hour prior to the start of their first game. The check in will consist of:
1. Manager review and submit his sign/dated roster at the bottom of the page. The roster must have the parent’s signature for each player who's parent has not signed the on line USSSA waiver.
2. Each team must submit the AAD/USSSA Event Participation Agreement.
13u and older – All Pitchers will be required to wear turf shoes on the portable mounds and any all-synthetic turf fields – no metal spikes or hard plastic spikes are allowed on the synthetic turf mounds or all synthetic turf fields and metal or hard plastic cleats are prohibited everywhere at the Albuquerque Sparks Regional Sports Complex.
BASEBALLS – Each team will be required to provide 2 new USSSA stamped game balls at the pre-game umpire meeting for each contest. Only USSSA stamped baseballs are allowed in sanctioned USSSA events. We are not in the “ball business” and you don’t have to get them from us but we work to have leather baseballs on hand, for sale, by the dozen, for $65.00. Balls will be available at each tournament site, in limited quantities.
EVENT TEXTILES (T-Shirts) - AAD/USSSA does not facilitate the textile operations for AAD/USSSA tournament events. A third-party designs, orders and sales these items for the AAD/USSSA tournament events and as such AAD/USSSA has no control over their distribution. Should an event be cancelled, after the entry deadline, the third party will work to deliver the textiles to the purchaser but there will be no refunds for items purchased.
INSURANCE –With the vast majority of the teams, in each tournament, already having insurance it does not make since to pass the expense to insuring the teams a second time so please be aware – TOURNAMENT EVENTS DO NOT CARRY MEDICAL OR LIABILITY INSURANCE for the teams. It is your responsibility to obtain insurance, for your team, if you decide it is warranted. Please contact insurance@usssa.com or visit the national USSSA web site to obtain your teams policy.
SCHEDULE / BRACKETS - Many out of town teams request late start times on the first day of the event and we attempt to accommodate these requests the best that we can but occasionally there is no way to avoid early games on the first day of the event, for some out of town teams. Our scheduling / bracketing philosophy for tournaments is:
- Follow the states policy on seeding teams into pools based on team classification and current USSSA points and USSSA Power rankings – adjustments to pools may occur if the national seeding places teams from the same town in the same pool. Being a high seed does not ensure a late 1st game time. It does affect the strength of the teams in your pool.
- Per the notice on the tournament page of the national web site: IF an out-of-town team makes a request (prior to entry deadline) for a later start on the first day of the event, We work to accommodate those requests giving priority to the order the team pay’s the entry fee. If no request was made, it is presumed your team would be available to play as early as the first game time of the event.
- Work to schedule pool play games to ensure teams play opponents they have not played recently. Sometimes this is not possible depending on the number of teams in each bracket and where they are from.
- Work to schedule out of town team pool play games back-to-back so they have an opportunity to do more than just play baseball while at the event. Sometimes this is not possible depending on the number of teams in each bracket and where they are from.
- Any game involving two local teams will be played before a game involving out of town teams unless the latest game played is 8pm or later.
- Depending upon the event, teams will be seeded into the elimination brackets based on the OVERALL results of the pool play competition – not exclusive to the outcome of their in-pool results – OR based on their in-pool results.
- If overall all results are used the seeding will be based on 1-X (X being the total number of teams in the bracket).
- If in-pool results are used team will be seeded using the #1 pool X, #2 pool X and #3 pool X concept. Byes are predetermined based on the perceived overall strength of the pool (power ranking) at the time of bracketing.
- In an OPEN format event when there are a minimum of 8 AAA/Major teams AND 8 AA teams the event will be split into separate Open and AA tournaments. Depending upon the event some event will be split with less than 8 AAA/Major teams but never with less than 6.
The national web site – www.usssa.com is where the brackets will be posted by 8pm the Monday prior to the event and updated as the event progresses. If the national web site is not capable of producing the bracket used, brackets will be emailed to managers by the deadline.
If a team has a schedule request for pool play games they will be prioritized based on when the entry fee is received giving preference to out of town teams. Requests must be submitted NLT entry deadline.
As a policy we start games as late as possible on the first day of the event and as early as possible on the last day of the event to allow travel time for out-of-town teams. That said, games could start as early as 6am on any day of the event. This could, based on the number of fields rented, have the last games each day scheduled to complete just before dark on fields without lights and the vast majority of the fields DO NOT have lights. Fields that do have lights will be scheduled to conclude by 10pm due to light ordinances.
Some 13u and older fields utilize synthetic mounds - pitchers will be required to use turf shoes or tennis shoes on synthetic mounds - no hard plastic or metal spikes.
IF NECESSARY, the last paid local teams may play on the day prior to the scheduled start date.
ROSTERS – Be sure to update your roster on the national USSSA web site no later than 3pm the 3 days prior to the start of the event. There will be NO additions to any team’s roster once the first pitch of their first game has been thrown and there will be no write in players at the event. PARENT SIGNED ROSTERS MUST BE TURNED IN PRIOR TO YOUR FIRST GAME FOR ANY PLAYER NOT APPROVED ON THE NATIONAL WEB SITE'S ROSTER.
FIELD LOCATIONS – To each field will be emailed to each manager are available on the local web site – www.abqusssa.com. Please ensure each member of the team receives this information.
- Complex rules – please review the complex rules at the entrance for each complex and adhere to them. Pets and tobacco are prohibited at some of them. Alcohol is prohibited at ALL complexes. The Tournament hotline for weather updates will be (505) 417-1810 or bracket page on the national USSSA website – WWW.USSSA.COM. The Albuquerque Regional Sports Complex is a private facility and does charge a gate fee. Contact the ARSC for those fees but it is usually $3.00-$5.00 per person over the age of 4, excluding coaches and players in uniform.
- No drinking alcohol before and in between games for any coach, anyone caught or suspected will be removed from coaching that day. Anyone caught with outside alcohol/drugs including parking lots in all venues will be ejected from the park and local law enforcement will be notified to enforce local statues of the parks.
- CONCESSIONS: Will be available, but not guaranteed, at most complexes. Teams are expected to carry their own First Aid Kits and Ice (concession stands will not give out these items) and prepare in the event concessions are not open.
- Withdraw / No Show: Teams that no-show will forfeit their entry fee and may be subject to suspension from competition in USSSA events for the remainder of the season. No teams may withdraw from an event after the deadline for entry.
- Insurance – as is posted on the national web site, team medical/liability insurance is not part of the services covered by the entry fee for this event. If your team does not have insurance, you are highly encouraged to acquire it. This can be done as late as the day prior to the event on the national USSSA web site - www.usssa.com.
- Initial roster of 9 regular players or guest players must be posted to the National USSSA web site prior to a team being bracketed in the event. Rosters must finalized and posted to the National USSSA web site by 5pm two days prior to events start date.
- Age Requirement: As determined by National USSSA By-Laws. Proof of age will be required in the form of photo copies of the original birth certificate or the original birth certificate.
- Equipment Restrictions: Will follow the national By-Law and Rules as list on the nation web site - www.usssa.com
- Metal spikes are not allowed in 12u and younger. In the older divisions, when pitching from a synthetic mound, pitchers are required to use tennis or turf shoes or shoes with rubber spikes (no metal or hard plastic spikes)
- Uniforms: Numbers mandatory, matching uniforms recommended.
- Official Brackets / Schedule: The final and controlling bracket, schedule, game times, and field locations, including any changes and updates will be posted on the national USSSA tournament web site and emailed out to the teams. Check the website daily for schedule revisions. AAD / USSSA reserves the right to modify the brackets should scheduling conflicts arise. The bracket schedule displayed at the tournament HQ supersedes all other revisions. IF, after the brackets are drawn, a team drops from the event the pool play games will be adjusted to ensure each team gets the games they have paid to play. The win / loss results from those adjusted games will reflect forfeit wins (involving games against the team that dropped) for each team. Pitching will be counted in those adjusted games to ensure each team is required to use the same amount of pitching.
- Adverse Weather: The Tournament will be played in adverse weather conditions, if necessary. The format may be changed to include (in no particular order)
- Shorter time limits, and/or
- Fewer innings to complete the game, and/or
- Designate a different starting pitch count, and/or
- Starting earlier in the day or playing later into the evening and/or
- Move playing location of games and/or
- A coin toss to determine what team advances IF all other options have been exhausted. A coin toss game will not count as a game played for the purposes of the guaranteed number of games for any event.
The game officials have sole jurisdiction regarding the playability of their specific field.
Managers, coaches, parents, spectators and players accept these conditions when entering the tournament.
- Cancellations: There is a chance any event could be completely rained out. Please be aware that A MINIMUM 40% of the entry fee will be kept to cover awards and trophies as well as administrative costs if tournament is canceled due to act of God or government mandate either before or after the start of the event.
- Refund Policy: Refunds will be based on a prorated schedule (minus pre-event costs and administrative fees) of the number of games guaranteed (not actually scheduled).
- Hotels/Motels/Condos: Teams that leave unpaid bills or damages will be removed from the tournament and reported to their respective local directors.
- Behavior – As a condition of participation each manager will complete and submit the Tournament Participation Agreement / Code of Conduct and agree to the below conditions:
- Unnecessary razzing, heckling, chanting or disparaging remarks by players, coaches, parents, fans and spectators will not be tolerated.
- Catchers may not talk to opposing batters or heckle batter directly in any division 13u and below
- Coaches are responsible for players, coaches, their fans and their guest’s behavior. Umpires or tournament officials will eject offenders or coaches for unwarranted and unsportsmanlike conduct of their coaches, players, fans and guests. No warning is necessary.
- If a player, coach, manager or spectator is ejected by a game official, tournament director, UIC or facility staff that person must leave the facility including parking lot and may not remain within sight or sound of the game ejected.
- Any person ejected from a game is also ejected from the next scheduled game and subject to suspension from the event.
- Under no circumstances will refunds be given for any ejected person
- Decisions: The Tournament Director shall have final decision on all tournament related issues. This person will direct the specific tournament site, post win/loss records, update pool play and advance play and teams, handle issues and assist the UIC, officials and staff in determining all rule interpretations, violations, complaints, protests and challenges.
Pre Game Notes –
- Pre-Tournament Check In: All managers are encouraged to check in at the tournament headquarters to review event and facility rules, verify player eligibility and obtain clarification on any rules or event policies that might be in question.
- Park Policies / Rules –We are guest in the parks hosting this event. Please ensure all of your trash is removed from the dugouts and stands after the conclusion of each game.
- Infield Warm-Ups: All teams are encouraged to warm-up as much as possible before game time. No pre-game infield.
- No steel cleats in the following age groups: 12u and younger
- Game Time: Starting time is forfeit time, unless delay is approved by Tournament Director. The game clock starts at completion of pre game meeting.
- Pitching Rules (Innings based on outs) per USSSA national rule book:
- No limit on the number of appearances.
- Eight warm-ups to start, five thereafter with a maximum of 90 second allotted. 30 seconds after the game official directs the game to resume strikes may be called on the offensive team not ready to play and balls called on the defensive team not ready to play.
- If pitching rules are violated and the infraction is detected, the situation will be reviewed and consequences will be determined by the tournament director. Consequences may include, but are not limited to, the following: coach and/or player ejections, game forfeiture, removal of team from the tournament, suspension from additional tournaments.
- In a 5-game guarantee event, over three days, one inning will be added to each pitchers maximum 3 day limit. Max to pitch the next day and max in a day limits remain the same.
- If a team’s game/s are not completed on the day originally scheduled, due to field conditions, and those games are added to the following day, one inning will be added to the single day maximum allowed on the following day, for each pitcher. The event max and max to pitch the next day will remain unchanged.
- Ties at the end of Regulation: If a pool game is tied after the expiration of time and completion of the inning the final score will be a tie. In Elimination, if a game is tied after all innings have been completed (or at time limit), the "California Tie-Breaker" will go into effect. Each team will start the next inning with their last recorded out at 2nd base. This happens until the tie is broken and the game is complete.
- Tie Breakers - Into single elimination play are based on the national rules.
- Final Placement (Standings)
- Highest round advanced to
- Overall win loss records all games
- Head-to-head
- Least runs allowed
- Run differential - /- 8 runs max per game
- USSSA Points – prior to the start of the event
- Tie
- Courtesy Runners: a courtesy runner may be used for the pitcher or catcher, at any time. The courtesy runner must be a substitute player that is not currently in the game. A courtesy runner may run for either the pitcher or catcher, but not both. Two courtesy runners (one for pitcher, one for catcher) may be used if the team has eligible substitutes for both roles. If there are no substitutes available, the last recorded out may be used.
- Intentional Walks: If prior to the first pitch to the particular batter the pitcher or catcher may announce to an umpire an intentional walk and the batter is then automatically put on base.
- Safety Equipment: All offensive players must use double ear flap helmets while on the field.
- Protest Fee: $100 cash (on rule interpretations only) could be applied.
- NM/TEXAS SAFETY RULE in ages 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14:
- This rule only applies when a runner at third breaks for home plate simultaneous with the delivery of the pitch.
- When this occurs, the batter must either –
- Let the pitch travel to the catcher without swinging or
- Make a movement consistent with bunting the ball.
- If the batter makes a movement interpreted as swinging bunt/slash at the pitch, the batter is automatically out. Furthermore, the pitch will be ruled a “Dead Ball” with the runner returning to third base and the third base coach will be ejected from the game.
- Exception to this rule occurs ONLY when there are two outs and the batter count is full (3-2), including when the bases are loaded: In this case runner at third must proceed to home plate clearly in foul territory.
- Ejection Policy - Head coaches are the only ones allowed to communicate with the umpires if a disagreement arises. If a parent or assistant coach argues calls with the umpire it is grounds for an ejection. The coach that is at the plate meeting is deemed the manager for the game unless they inform the umpire that they are only standing in for the head coach at that plate meeting. The coach shall point out the manager to the umpire at that time. If a manager is thrown out of the game the assistant head coach shall inform the umpire that they are now acting as manager. If at any time a different manager shows up late to a game they shall, between innings, inform the umpire that they are now acting as the manager. Until they have informed the umpire that they are now the manager, the original manager is still in place. If a parent is disqualified from a game for any reason, their own player(s) (son or daughter) will also leave the game. The parent or coach will most likely sit out the next game or possibly the tournament depending on the severity of the ejection. Persons ejected could also face suspensions or probation up to one year or life based on what caused the ejection. Verbal abuse and profanity towards officials, tournament staff or anyone has no justification in youth sports. Law enforcement will be notified of any Physical Altercations and will most likely result in charges being filed at our request. If a manager is thrown out of the game his own player(s) may stay in the game. *MALICIOUS CONTACT: If the official in charge of the game judges that there has been malicious contact initiated by a player, the offending player will be called out and ejected from the game. *This includes a player / runner leaving their feet (jumping over) to avoid a tag. If contact is made with the defender, it is at the judgment of the official to rule malicious or not. leaving your feet (jumping over) to avoid a tag will be an automatic out. The ball is immediately dead and all runner (s) will return to the base they last legally occupied at the time the umpire ruled the ball is dead and the runner jumped over the defensive player. Player ejections that result in a team having less than 9 players, game will continue if the team has 8 eligible players, however an out will be taken when the ejected player is due to bat in the line-up. Teams falling short of 8 players due to player ejections will forfeit that game.
Pre-Game Manager Responsibilities:
Team Check-In Procedure -
Each manager is instructed to check their team in, at their field, at least 60 minutes prior to their first game of the tournament. Prior to the Team Check it is critical that the Manager has reviewed his team roster on the national USSSA web site and verified that EVERY players first and last name as well as birth date is entered EXACTLY as it appears on the players birth certificate. See Rule 3.03 in the National USSSA Rule Book pertaining to individual player eligibility.
In order to complete the check in as effectively and efficiently as possible please follow the below process:
- Submit the AAD/USSSA Tournament Participation Agreement if not previously submitted.
- The Manager will review and submit his parent sign roster to the Site Director.
- The Manager will also sign and dated roster at the bottom of the page.
- Please have all your birth certificates with you and have them in alphabetical order, based on the USSSA roster.
Remember – no team can add a player after they have started their first game and no write in players are allowed and if a player is not present for the initial team check-in, he must be checked in prior to participating.
Please have your team ready to play up to 15 minutes prior to the posted game time in case of a run rule in a prior game. This will help us to stay on schedule.
Turn in Line Up sheets to plate official - Teams may hit their entire team but must be the entire roster in attendance.
Turn in 2 new game balls and one used game ball to the plate official - Game balls must be USSSA stamped. Teams provide the game balls. Leather (MLB spec) balls will be available for purchase at $50.00 per dozen
Determining home team – Home team keeps the official book unless the official book is assigned to the visiting team by the game officials.
Option given to winner of coin flip in pool play.
Option given to higher seed in elimination play – if both are the same seed a coin flip will determine.
All Championship games will be a coin toss regardless of seeds.
Removal of ALL jewelry from the players that the officials deem hazardous.
Post Game Manager Responsibilities:
Scorecards must be signed by both team managers to confirm innings pitched and confirm scores. If a manager signs a scorecard and the information is not accurate, they are accepting the information as notated, per the affidavit statement on the card. If a manager neglects or refuses to sign the score card he is accepting the information notated on the card.
8U CP - 1hr and 15 min - Normal time limit +15 min - run rules are still in effect. Run rules per national rule book.
9u/10u – 46’ Pitching and 65’ bases (when capable) – 1 hr and 40 min – 6 innings - 15 runs after 3 innings, 10 runs after 4 innings, or 8 runs after 5 innings. Championship Game: Normal time limit +15 min - run rules are still in effect.
11u/12u - 50' pitching** 70' bases (when capable) - 1 hr 40 min - 6 innings - 15 runs after 3 innings, 10 runs after 4 innings, or 8 runs after 5 innings. Championship Game: Normal time limit +15 min - run rules are still in effect.
13u - 54' pitching** 80' bases - 1hr 50 min - 7 innings - 15 runs after 4 innings, 10 runs after 5 innings, or 8 runs after 6 innings. Championship Game: Normal time limit +15 min - run rules are still in effect.
14u and older- 60’6”' pitching - 90' bases - 1hr 50 min - 7 innings - 15 runs after 4 innings, 10 runs after 5 innings, or 8 runs after 6 innings. Championship Game: Normal time limit +15 min - run rules are still in effect.
*********All ages have a 20-run rule after 2 completed innings*******
Alcohol/Tobacco is prohibited at ALL complexes.
Pets are prohibited at most complexes.
Sunflower seeds/shells are prohibited from all complexes except the Rio Rancho Sports Complex
Park only in designated parking locations
Please clean up your dugouts and stands after each game
Park locations and addresses will be emailed to the manager of each team a minimum of 5 days prior to each event.